Stylish limited edition for Royal Dutch in the colours of the Central & South American flags

Collector’s item
Our limited edition 330 ml can for Royal Dutch Lager is a collector’s item which comes in four designs to celebrate football in the Americas. When stacked on top of each other they symbolise how football brings everyone together as one.

In-store support
The campaign is creating a big impact in-store. In Ecuador, for example, the unique 4-in-1 cans are supported by additional POS materials including brightly coloured displays, gondolas, shelf frames, wobblers and attention-grabbing digital screens.

Social campaign
A lively social campaign gives even more exposure to the brand. Consumers can share photos featuring the four cans with the chance to win a mini-fridge packed with beers! This popular activation is also being actively promoted by key influencers.

United Dutch Breweries B.V.
Druivenstraat 21
4816 KB Breda, The Netherlands

P  +31 (0)76 578 10 00
 +31 (0)76 578 10 01

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